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Now that mock exams have been marked, moderated and graded; students will be receiving the their results today. Students will receive two grade cards. The first details the grades for this set of exams. The second provides subject teachers predicted grades for the final exams in Year 11. These predictions are informed by mock grades, but also other assessments that students have done over the year as well as attendance and Habits of Work and Learning.

In addition, there will be a document which provides some context around each of the mock exams that students took. Each subject has had a slightly different approach based on students progress through the GCSE courses.

After half term, we will be inviting parents into school for a Teacher-Student Led Conference where students will reflect on their progress with subject teachers and parents. This will also provide an opportunity for parents to ask any subject specific questions directly.

In Year 11 students will sit two more rounds of mock exams in order to prepare for the final GCSEs. We of course hope and expect students to work hard, get smart and be kind over the next year to give them the very best chance of success.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact your child’s Crew Leader of subject teacher in the first instance.

Best wishes,

Mr Voltaire and the Year 10 Team.

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