X31 were visited by ‘With Me In Mind’ earlier this week to learn about how to look after their own mental health. This is linked to our Crew Curriculum for this term and helps equip pupils with the skills they need to tackle the challenges of growing up. Here are some of the pupils’ comments on the session:
“I would like to thank ‘With Me in Mind’ for coming into school and explaining in detail how to deal with tough situations and stress. They taught us ways to calm down such as the hand breathing and the four second breathing exercise.”
“We learned that it’s completely normal to worry about things that are small or big. We also learnt the techniques to help us breathe calmly. We loved the fact that you told us some ways to get the worries out of our heads. Thank you so much from crew Zephaniah.”
“If I see another student sad I will go and ask if they are ok. If I ever feel worried I will tell a trusted adult about my worries and do the meditation breathing.”
“It is important for children to look after our mental health because for children to live a happy life a good mindset comes first. A good mindset makes a child willing to try new things and live life to the fullest. In your next presentation I recommend you also talk about people cyber bullying on the internet. Thank you for paying attention and thank you for your work.”