Every day at school matters, so please ensure your son or daughter attends school every day whenever possible. However, if they are too ill to attend, please notify the school as soon as possible, and before 9.00am using the school telephone number: 01302 898792. There is a voicemail facility so if you ring before opening hours please leave a message.
Please let us know in advance of any medical appointments.
The student entrance is locked shortly before 8.30am. If your son or daughter is late, they must report to the main entrance.
Holidays must not be arranged during term time and will not be authorised.
Office contact emails:
Please complete this form prior to any leave of absence taken by your son/daughter. Please ensure you read the guidance on page two regarding regulations of taking time out of school during term time. XP discourages parents from taking time out during term time due to the significant impact this will have on their son/daughter’s education.