Voluntary contributions for field work
Across the XP Trust a really important part of the way we ensure equity and inclusion for all our students, is not charging for field work – the cost is always met by the school.
Alongside this fair policy we also gave parents or guardians who were able to and wished to, an opportunity to contribute to the cost of field work and other school related visits*.
During the Covid pandemic field work obviously couldn’t take place, therefore, we rightly suspended the request for any parental contribution.
Now as we begin the first academic year for some time with a full programme of external learning opportunities and events, we are launching the contribution scheme again.
We cannot overstate that this is a totally voluntary contribution scheme. We will NOT at any point request funds for educational experiences – and there is NO pressure whatsoever to pay anything at all into this fund.
If you wish to contribute and can, please do – if you are not able to please disregard this letter.
As a guideline if you are able to contribute anything at all, before Covid a figure of £50 per student per academic year was suggested – we are still using this figure as a suggested sum but any contribution would be greatly appreciated to support our students.
As always if you have any queries or concerns about this communication please do get in touch with us.
*The annual Spanish trip does not fall into the free field work category