Students in year 10 are working hard on their 3D design product for their first project. They’re using different media and techniques to create viking inspired artefacts.
Fight the Power immersion C29
Students in year 8 started this term off with immersion activities for their new expedition “Fight the Power”. In Art they grappled with stencils, starting to learn the skills needed to study the street art movement this term. In Science they started to look at Atoms, Elements and Compounds and took part in some Physics challenge activities. In Humanities sessions students grappled with some Shakespeare, looking at Elizabethan insults, witches and powerful natural forces which led into their first look at Macbeth! All these activities are leading students on their journey towards the guiding question “What is power?”
Beautiful classwork from 7 Admiral
Students have been looking at the causes of World War One in their history lessons over the last couple of weeks. As we worked towards answering our Long Term Learning Target: I can evaluate the causes of WWI.
This week we have begun to examine the use of propaganda in World War One and how it was used to recruit soldiers for war.
In English our focus has been to develop our skills around descriptive writing. We have ‘purple penned’ our first attempts and are using our anchor text ‘War Girls’ to inspire our writing.
X24 Spanish Running Text
Today Year 10 carried out a running text protocol, working on short term memory. The text contained positives and negatives about the places we live in and can visit, and students certainly showed a sense of competition too. Have a look at them working hard towards the Learning Target ‘I can identify positives and negatives about a tourist destination’.
Ian Murphy workshop for year 9
Last week our year 9 students were lucky enough to spend the day working with artist, Ian Murphy. This workshop was part of the immersion for our new expedition and allowed the students to spend the day improving their own practice and studying the beautiful canvasses, sketches, paintings and sketch books that Ian brought in to show us.
X27 Ethics – Piecing together the puzzle
Over the past few lessons X27 have been grappling with GCSE content regarding Christian Belief’s about the Creation story. We have embedded this further by splitting into groups and producing a jigsaw piece which symbolises one of the 7 days of creation.
Students then presented their thoughts in their groups regarding which day they think is most important. A fantastic discussion had by all! Well done for working hard Ethics!