Crew Lovelace have sorted the lost property and luckily there is not much at all ! Please send you child to the XP office before next Wednesday if you recognise any of it. Thank you

Crew Lovelace have sorted the lost property and luckily there is not much at all ! Please send you child to the XP office before next Wednesday if you recognise any of it. Thank you
Please see below information regarding the upcoming open evening at Harrison College.
Harrison College’s open evening is taking place on Wednesday 20th November 2024. We receive a high volume of enquiries each year therefore if you have any young people in Year 11 (Or Year 10) that would like to attend Harrison College please encourage them to attend the open evening. It is also an opportunity for education colleagues to come and have a look around the college and speak to the team.
Please direct interested parents/carers/students/colleagues to our website where there is a wealth of information about the college and also there is a function to reserve a place at open evening. Book Open Evening – Harrison College
We look forward to welcoming you to the college.
Kind regards
Gemma Peebles
Principal and Chief Executive Officer
T: 01302 540495
M: 07921 657028
I am Careers Lead at XP & XP East schools and I am arranging an information evening for parents and students at both schools on Wednesday 6th November to enable them to make informed choices for their Post 16 provision. I am inviting providers to attend with a short 1 minute presentation and a stall where students can explore all avenues that are open to them.
For our year 10 students and parents you are invited to attend and it is an opportunity to get an early look at what is available in the local area. For our year 11 students and parents there is an expectation that all students and parents/carers attend the event. Previous years have been informative and give both students and their parents an opportunity to ask questions directly to providers.
Timings are 4.30 – 6pm for KS4 & Parents/carers – Lorax and XP East stairs, tea, coffee and squash will be provided at the event.
Meanwhile please find attached links to Post 16 websites and dates for open events, many applications are open for Post 16 and we expect our year 11s to apply to at least 3 providers where possible.
Crew KBA have been working hard in sessions and it has been great to drop in and see so many students creating beautiful work and giving brilliant suggestions to discussions. Here are just a few examples that I managed to capture.
I look forward to seeing parents and carers during the SLC’s (student led conferences) 7th October (I have sent a sign up link in an email). This is an opportunity to see how students are settling in and for them to discuss their habits of work and learning.
Mrs Barnes
We’d like all parent/carers opinions on school dinners, including those who’s children have packed lunches. XP Trust would like as many children as we can having delicious healthy meals so your and your child’s opinions are important to us. Children will be asked about their dinners at school but it would be good to have parent/carer opinions too.
Please complete the below form:
We have another exciting week of extra curricular ahead! There are a few changes ahead of the coming week.
Tuesday – Boys football training, this has been changed for this week only.
Wednesday – Girls football fixture at home. We expect to be finished for around 5pm.
Thursday – Cheerleading
Check out this actively awesome video courtesy of Yorkshire Sport Foundation. The children and staff at Plover were superstars in explaining their positive experiences regarding the OSF funding they secured last year, to provide after school and community clubs! Plover have been lucky enough to secure some OSF funding this year too, so watch this space for Community Clubs starting in October! #LovePlover
We don’t just ensure our work is made public – it needs to live inside our school communities, too! More beautiful work has been curated at Plover School, celebrating their ‘Pride of Plover’ award winners and recent Expedition products!
One of our great friends and mentors, Ron Berger, once said to us that ‘staff culture can never outpace student culture.’ With this firmly at the forefront of our minds we set out last week on our bi-annual outdoor staff induction process with a group of educators from across our Trust.
We headed out into the wilderness to answer the guiding question, ‘What does it mean to be Crew?’ through a number of shared experiences and activities our Crew formed very quickly. We explored the purpose of Crew deeply and considered how we could make Crew even stronger on our return to our respective schools so that we continue to create the culture in which our students grow their character and make our community and the world a better place for everyone.
Below is an immediate reflection from one of our XP educators:
‘This experience has helped me to understand the building of community. The support that other members of our Crew showed this week has been immense. There have been some activities that have been challenging but everybody has been supportive whilst giving positive challenge so that everybody has been able to push themselves in a safe environment where everybody trusts each other and it’s lifted me and made me feel that I can achieve anything I put my mind to with the support of other people.’ – Louise
It was an honour and privilege to support and challenge our adults to reflect on the imperative we all have at XP to become and create great learners and even better human beings!
We are Crew!
Andy Sprakes and Kate ap Harri
Find out more and apply here to #JoinOurCrew
Year 5 Teacher/Leader at Carcroft School
F2 Teacher/Leader at Carcroft School
EYFS Community Meeting @ Norton Infants
Class 7 eBook day! @ Green Top
Hooking in to Expedition @ Carcroft School
Crew Pasteur Check In! @ XP School
Weekly Update for Families @ XP Gateshead
We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.
It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.
Write to us at [email protected] – we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!
Crew Pasteur have spent lots of time working on their scrapbook, something that will take them through Years 10 and 11. We would also like to introduce you to our Crew mascot, Kacper Lily Hall! Crew will continue to update their scrapbook, the next exciting event will be a bake sale for our Crew charity, Dementia UK in a few weeks time. Watch this space!