Thank you to all parents in Years 8, 9, 10, and 11 who completed and submitted the flu vaccine consent form during the summer holidays (the email was sent on 24th July 2024. A special thank you also to our Year 7 parents, who received the link on 24th August 2024, and responded promptly.
We are pleased to inform you that the School Age Immunisation Team will be visiting our school to administer the flu vaccinations this week on Thursday 19th of September .
This week at Plover, students in EYFS completed a sponsored Bear walk as part of their new Expedition! They raised £1148 to support their local community – and dressed up as bears to perform bear related exercises and have fun during the process! Beautiful work!
Beautiful Curation at XP Gateshead
Last week, Comms installed some new wonderful displays of student work at XP Gateshead. These wall displays are culminations of recent Expeditions and Activism from the last year.
Steplab Coaching @ XP Trust
Last Monday, our staff worked closely with Steplab to start implementing their ICT platform for coaching across XP Trust. Staff spent the day looking at effective coaching and learning and how Steplab can help create a positive culture around it.
Crew JPO/JNO’s Ullswater Story
Over the coming week’s we’ll be sharing more stories of Crew from our recent Outward Bound Expedition – here’s another from Crew JPO/JNO!
Crew Brunel have had an amazing start to Year 8! Everyone has shown me the best version of themselves so far and I look forward to seeing them blossom over the next academic year.
As part of their Presentation of Learning (POL) last week, Crew Brunel created a short video describing all of the activities they had taken part in on their first week back. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it.
Crew Kelly started the new school term really positively. Team games, making hampers for care homes, fieldwork to Lakeside to reflect on the guiding question ‘How can I show kindness to myself and my community and have a positive impact?’. Seeing the beautiful seals with tunes curtesy of Alfie, made for a lovely coastal walk in Flamborough and a great end to Crew Week.
Crew Lovelace engaged in some in and out of school activities with links to team work and kindness during their first week back at school. We had a great week back navigating each other through obstacle courses, listening to ‘with me in mind’ visitors, making, creating characters then playing cluedo, visiting Age UK and gifting a kindness box and a tranquil walk along the coast at Flamborough as a crew. A great start to the new year, before immersing into their new expeditions.
What a fantastic first week back we had in Crew Sinfield!
On Tuesday we completed our crew norms and had a great check in finding out what everyone got up to over the holidays. We also created time capsules through looking for a newspaper article from this year and completing a solo where students wrote a letter to their future self. Wednesday we went to Sandall Beat Wood where we completed lots of activities including den building- where we had some fantastic shelters. On Thursday we completed crew activities including the floor is lava and minute to win it- crew worked really well- particularly with Line ball!
Crew showed each other fantastic compassion and really worked hard and together. I was so impressed with the hard work they showed and I am really excited about the year ahead.