We would like to welcome you to join us for year 9 presentation of learning, taking place on Monday 16th December 4-5pm
The students will show case their learning from our recent expedition Another Brick in the Wall!
Hope to see you all there!
We would like to welcome you to join us for year 9 presentation of learning, taking place on Monday 16th December 4-5pm
The students will show case their learning from our recent expedition Another Brick in the Wall!
Hope to see you all there!
Parents and Carers in Year 8 a reminder that Year 8 students Presentation of learning is on Wednesday 11th December. The evening will start at 4.15pm where students will be presenting their answer to this terms guiding question: What does it mean to be human?
The evening will take place at XP East School.
We look forward to seeing you there,
The Year 8 Team.
After a refreshing long weekend due to staff training days, students returned to their maths classes ready to tackle new learning targets. In one class, students master the art of expressing numbers as powers of ten. Meanwhile, the other class are learning spatial reasoning skills by calculating the volume of square pyramids.
From today, Y11’s Learn 2 Earn rewards scheme is back!
Students have the opportunity to collect stamps on ‘loyalty cards’ for outstanding contributions in Learning labs and at D6 – this year, staff are able to award stamps to class superstars – if students are going above and beyond to contribute in sessions/work hard, staff will award extra stamps!
When their cards are complete (after 10 sessions), students need to hand them back in; there’ll be a half termly draw for a gift card for those attending the most sessions!
Please encourage students to get these filled in to claim those prizes (take a look at a small selection below!) 🙂
Miss Cocliff & Mrs Parker x
On 12th December X31 will host their first ever Presentation of Learning at XP School! The event will start promptly at 4pm. We aim to have it drawn to a close by 5:30pm.
The evening will take audience members on an immersive and engaging tour of History, therefore we are requesting that you complete the sign up form if you wish to attend.
It is vitally important that you provide an accurate number of attendees in your party- if you wish to make changes please email [email protected].
The form will close for responses at midnight on Wednesday 11th December.
We look forward to seeing you!
Another busy week on the PE front for our students. Another week with multiple practices across badminton and cheerleading, whilst our KS3 badminton team went and competed at Rossington All Saints and our year 8 boys football hosted Ash Hill.
As we round off this week, we have another busy week coming up
Next week
Tuesday- KS4 Badminton practice, no girls football practice
Wednesday – Year 7/8 girls football at home finish at 5pm. Year 7 and 8 girls netball fixture at home finish 5pm.
Thursday – KS4 badminton fixture at home finish at 4.45pm
Shaun the Sheep is helping us make Christmas Jumper Day 2024 the best day ever!
As the charity’s new ‘Head of Wool’, Shaun has collaborated with Save the Children to make the world better with a sweater and wants children across the UK to join the flock
Christmas Jumper Day will take place on the 12th December 2024.
Put on your favourite Christmas jumper, donate £2 to Save the Children and help kids everywhere get the best future ever.
On the same day, the school kitchen will be cooking Christmas dinner for staff and pupils and our fabulous PE department are running a ‘Santa Dash’ (so please also bring a Santa hat for the day).
If you can, please donate via our school just giving page rather than bringing in cash in on the day.
Looking forward to seeing you in your Christmas jumpers.
Save the date! C28 are delighted to invite you to a Celebration of Learning as the conclusion to their expedition ’Raiders and Invaders’. The celebration will take place at XP East on Tuesday 17th December.
E28 (Y10 XP East) will present their learning from 4-4:45pm, and X28 (Y10 XP) will share their learning from 5-5:45pm.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Save the date! C28 are delighted to invite you to a Celebration of Learning as the conclusion to their expedition ’Raiders and Invaders’. The celebration will take place at XP East on Tuesday 17th December.
E28 (Y10 XP East) will present their learning from 4-4:45pm, and X28 (Y10 XP) will share their learning from 5-5:45pm.
We look forward to seeing you all!
We have lots of different talents in Crew Peake – from football to rugby, to gaming and art! Some of this talent has been showcased over the past couple of weeks in art sessions. Check out the incredible craftsmanship & quality from Emma – it’s like she’s almost GCSE ready already – and we’re in Year 8!
Proud of you, Emma!
Miss Cocliff & Mr Morrison x