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I am Careers Lead at XP & XP East schools and I am arranging an information evening for parents and students at both schools on Wednesday 6th November to enable them to make informed choices for their Post 16 provision. I am inviting providers to attend with a short 1 minute presentation and a stall where students can explore all avenues that are open to them.

For our year 10 students and parents you are invited to attend and it is an opportunity to get an early look at what is available in the local area. For our year 11 students and parents there is an expectation that all students and parents/carers attend the event. Previous years have been informative and give both students and their parents an opportunity to ask questions directly to providers.

Timings are 4.30 – 6pm for KS4 & Parents/carers – Lorax and XP East stairs, tea, coffee and squash will be provided at the event.

Meanwhile please find attached links to Post 16 websites and dates for open events, many applications are open for Post 16 and we expect our year 11s to apply to at least 3 providers where possible.

Post 16 websites and open event dates

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